Dominika Olszowy
Dominika Olszowy’s exhibition begins at the top of a tree. During her stay in Turkey, the artist was intrigued by a peculiar detail. An image obsessively recurred before her eyes: the depiction of a cypress with a bent tip, commonly found on local gravestones. Twisting paths of association led to the discovery that Vincent Van Gogh also trimmed the tops of cypresses — in the paintings he created during the progressing madness at the end of his life. Whether this deformation of the tree is a deviation or a slight disruption of composition, it holds symbolic meaning as a sign of crossing to the other side. Olszowy invokes this motif in a series of glass mosaics, which serve as an attempt to enchant grief, to move through it just as a healthy tree can survive the pruning of its branches.
The exhibition is titled “Globus Hystericus.” This elaborate Latin phrase refers to a common psychosomatic disorder: the familiar lump in the throat. A lump in the throat, a bent tree tip — every crisis has its tangible shape, and every shape has its artist. Its healer.
Wspólna 63
- monday
- Closed
- tuesday
- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- wednesday
- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- thursday
- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- friday
- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- saturday
- 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- sunday
- Closed